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Implementation Checklist

4 min read

Checklist steps for implementing QuickService Software

Purchase QuickService Software

    • Return a signed sales agreement & payment to your sales representative

Verify minimum system requirements

System Requirements can be found on the main QuickService training webpage.

    • System requirements include: server hardware and OS, workstations hardware
      and OS, network configuration, MS SQL Server, accounting software
    • We recommend at least one workstation have: a dual-screen setup on one
      computer, or two workstations setup side-by-side. This allows users to have
      training documents visible at the same time QuickService is being used.
    • To use mobile field devices, a static IP address is needed. Contact your Internet
      Service Provider for more information.
    • As a general rule of thumb, no Windows ‘Home’ versions will run QuickService.

QuickService server software is installed remotely

This is done by the QuickService IT department. Your local IT professional needs to open a
port and provide QuickService with login information. Sometimes your local IT pro is
needed to troubleshoot other problems.

Configure QuickService for your company

Log into your new QuickService test database. Complete the settings and configuration inside this test database, using the Program Settings & Configuration training module found on the main QuickService training web page. Then fill in your QuickService code tables in the test database using the Setting up the Code Tables training module.

 Get to know the main QuickService customer page

Start with the Customer Overview training module on the main QuickService training web page. This core section of QuickService includes customers & locations, work tickets, invoices, installed equipment, agreements, & more.

Practice walking through your first service call

Use the Taking a Service Call training module on the main QuickService training web page. The steps include: taking a call, looking up the customer, creating a work ticket, and dispatching it to the field technician. After completed, close it and open the invoice, add billing items and send the invoice to your accounting software.

Advanced training on customer section

Complete the training sections based on specific sections from the customer window. Areas include work tickets, invoices, agreements, quotes, and more. Skip sections of the software your company doesn’t use.

Other training sections from QuickService

Complete other misc training sections from QuickService. Areas include the menu bar, flat rate book, dispatch board, mapping work tickets, and more. Skip sections of the software your company doesn’t use.

Inventory & equipment training

Complete the inventory training sections from QuickService. Areas include purchase orders, equipment tracking, and stock management, parts catalog, and more. Skip sections of the software your company doesn’t use.

Setup and learn how to use the accounting link

    • Bookkeeper creates a fake company in your accounting software for training purposes. Data from your real company file is copied over to the fake file.
    • The accounting link is setup remotely by a QuickService IT pro. Your company’s accountant / bookkeeper needs to be on hand. The QuickService IT pro will link your QuickService test data company file with the fake accounting file created.
    • Complete the QuickService accounting link trainings found on the main training web page. Areas include general setup and specific QuickBooks & Peachtree use.
    • Users create GL codes in QuickService and practice transferring invoices to the fake accounting file, making sure items correctly distribute to GL accounts.

Import data into test database

Import your customers, invoices, vendors, purchases, parts, and any other data into QuickService. Data goes into the test company until you ‘Go Live’ and start using QuickService in daily operations. QuickService IT and training staff will assist and advise.
Import methods include:

Import from accounting using the accounting link
Import from spreadsheets
Data conversion from another service software
Manual entry

Prepare to go live

    • Pick a ‘Live Date’ – typically on a Monday morning and during a slower time of year
    • Create new live database. Setup and configuration are imported by QuickService IT, along with any other current data from other sources and inside QuickService.

Go live

Prepare for mobile devises 

    • Verify you have a static IP address and meet other system requirements
    • Chose Windows or Android. Discuss specific devises with your QuickService trainer

Setup mobile devises

    • QuickService IT professional will install the first copies on your Windows or Android devises and teach you how to do it yourself.
    • Use the existing trainings on the main QuickService trainings web page to configure the server software, as well as the each individual devise.
      These include:
      1. Office Setup
      2. Windows Devise Setup
      3. Android Devise Setup

Train technicians on mobile devise

Use the Windows mobile trainings or the Android mobile trainings to teach technicians how to use QuickService on their devise.

Go live with mobile

Start with 1 user in the field. Add 1-2 more every week as long as everything continues to run smoothly.

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