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Dispatch a Work Ticket

1 min read

To send the new work ticket to a field technician, click on the Schedule Board button in the Toolbar along the top of the window.

The window shown below has techs listed along the left, days and times across the top, and their schedule is in the cross-section in the middle.

Unscheduled work tickets like the one just created are listed along the bottom of the screen. The user can filter the tickets displayed by specifics like Date or Work Ticket Type using the controls directly above the list.

The user has found and selected the new work ticket in the picture below.

The user now drags-and-drops the work ticket from the bottom list onto the schedule board.

The color of the ticket is based on the work ticket status. The new ticket pictured below is yellow because the status is ‘PEND’. The user can view Work Ticket details by hovering the mouse over it.

The user can also drag-and-drop the ticket to a new technician or time directly on the board, as shown in the second screenshot below.

Most details of the Dispatch Board are customizable. Settings for colors and layout are found along the top.

The Dispatch Board training section explains these in detail.

To send the work ticket out to the technician, the user only has to change the Status of the work ticket. This status change tells QuickService that the user is now ready for the ticket to be sent out.

To change the status, right-click on the work ticket  select Change Status  select Ready for PDA.

There is also a shortcut available by right-clicking on the work ticket  select Ready for PDA.

Important Note: The work ticket status is a critical component inside QuickService. The status tells the system whether a ticket is to be sent to the tech in the field, billable hours for the ticket, returned completed to the office, on hold, ready to be billed, and more.

Details about the work ticket status can be found in the Code Tables training section.

The Status names for Unscheduled and Ready for PDA work tickets can be changed in the code tables.

After changing the work ticket status to Ready for PDA, the color changes to white. After the tech picks up the ticket on his mobile devise, the work ticket status automatically changes to Dispatched and the color becomes Dark Blue.

The user can monitor the progress towards completing the service call from this screen. The tech can change the ticket status to things like In Progress, On Hold for Parts, and En Route. Each status change causes the ticket’s color on the Dispatch Board to change.

Important Note: Technician training on their mobile devises can be accomplished using the Windows and Android mobile training sections.



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