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Android Setup & Configuration

1 min read

This training is designed for field technicians using the QuickService Android mobile software in the field.

It covers both work tickets and invoices. Use the shortcut buttons below to skip ahead as needed.

Note: This training includes the Android tablet version. Screen layouts for the Android mobile phone version of QuickService may vary slightly.

After logging in to QuickService, a current list of Work Tickets on the user’s devise is listed. Tap one to open it, or click Download More to download any Dispatched Work Tickets from the office.

In the bottom-left of the screen is the Back button, then the Android Home button and the Menu button on the top-right.

Opening a New Work Ticket

Touch the Menu button on the top of the screen to access the Download Manager and to Reset the Database. The Download Manager is shown in the second screenshot below.

Note: It recommended that a qualified person download updated database tables once a week so the most up-to-date prices for all items all on the mobile, plus updated codes, flat rate, services, etc.

Touch the top-right Arrow button to access the QuickService Navigation Menu.

From here, the user can access Truck Stock, Purchase Orders, Vendors, Parts Catalog, System Options, Flat Rate Tasks, and Customers.

Touch the System Options button to access the screen below. From here, the user can adjust screen size and resolution, plus the frequency the devise will automatically check for new Work Tickets to download. Other Work Ticket display options and automatic field entry options are available here too.

Tap the Menu button and Save any changes.



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